What Are The Benefits and Disadvantages of Being Short?

You might think that having a shorter height has a lot of negative connotations. What Are The Benefits and Disadvantages of Being Short? The truth is, there are actually great advantages that come with short stature. Check out the top four benefits of being short.

1. You Get More Physical Advantages, You Really Do!


What Are The Benefits and Disadvantages of Being Short?Researchers say that people lacking height have numerous physical advantages in accordance with the laws of physics. Shorter people have better reflexes, quicker reaction times, more capability to accelerate bodily movements, greater endurance, the ability to rotate the torso faster, and stronger muscles.

They are also less prone to breaking bones upon falling. Because of these advantageous physical attributes, there’s a higher probability for shorter people to excel in gymnastics, diving, skiing, rock climbing, figure skating, martial arts, long-distance running, and even soccer. Short people are also considered excellent boxers, weight lifters, and wrestlers in their respective weight classes.

An interesting fact is that shorter people have lesser chances of dying in auto crashes, which is definitely a great advantage in such situations. A study confirmed that short people had the least risk of suffering serious injuries and dying as compared to taller individuals.

2. You Get To Live Longer!

What Are The Benefits and Disadvantages of Being Short?This is perhaps one of the most notable advantages of being short. There have been substantial findings reporting that shorter and smaller individuals live comparatively longer. Scientists explain that larger bodies have more cells that require replacement due to damage and the vital organs of bigger people decline more quickly in functional capability compared to smaller people.

A comprehensive study done several years ago concluded that there’s a 20-60% higher cancer incidence among taller persons compared to shorter ones. Of course, short people are not immune to serious health problems but there’s lesser occurrence among them compared to the majority of the population.

3. Knee Problems Are Not As Common

What Are The Benefits and Disadvantages of Being Short?Although short people still do experience knee problems, taller people typically experience worse knee ailments. Short people have stubby legs, hence they can easily reach the ground when bending their knees so there’s lesser movement and effort involved.

Aside from that, it’s also more likely for taller people to bump their knees more often on objects and experience knee injuries. This sounds a bit ridiculous, I know, but it’s true. Tall people are just more clumsy than those of us who are closer to the ground.

4. More Comfortable Transportation

What Are The Benefits and Disadvantages of Being Short?Individuals with short stature can easily go through long flights and travel through subways or cars without much discomfort. They can simply sit comfortably in their seat as the plane takes off whereas a taller person will have much difficulty getting comfortable.

These are just 4 of the many benefits of being short.  As you can see, being a short guy (or gal) isn’t all that bad.


7 Common Disadvantages of Being Short

There are various disadvantages of being short. Some of these we know, some of them we don’t know, and are not as obvious. Here’s a brief summary of seven of the most common difficulties that vertically challenged men experience.

1. Tougher to Attract Women, Takes More Effort

Unsurprisingly, short men find it rather hard to attract the opposite sex. This is mainly because of the common unjustified belief that taller men are somehow stronger and more masculine. While this is completely false, the stigma is there and it’s not going anywhere any time soon. It’s an ingrained instinctual thing as we aren’t going to just get past it any time soon

2. Unable to Reach Things

This is a rather common predicament among short men and the most embarrassing by far. You can’t reach objects that are high on shelves, nor can you sit upon tall stools.

3. Having Fun in a Bar is Troublesome

Another disadvantage of being short is being in bars. Short people sometimes just can’t have fun in a bar. Really packed places like bars and concerts tend to be upsetting environments since short individuals can’t see over tall folks blocking the way. Not only that, but people are drinking and are not the most observant nor the most caring when the booze starts to flow. Somebody who is short is sure to be jostled in places like this.

4. Difficult To Find Clothes That Fit Well

This not only applies to the exceptionally tall, but the increasingly short as well. Since most clothes fit average-sized people, it could be a bit hard to find the right size that fits properly.

Short people may have to roll up the cuffs of their new jeans or have their clothes tailored so they can wear the right size. This isn’t a disadvantage to just short people so much as it is a disadvantage to anyone of “nonaverage” size.

5. General Prejudice Of Being “Short”

Whatever the setting is, it seems that shorter people always get discriminated against because of their below-average height. Taller people look down on those who are short and don’t see them as smart, strong, or appealing — we’re inferior in their eyes in every way possible. This is obviously untrue, but the prejudice remains. This prejudice may not be obvious or even visible, but it is there in many people.

6. Not Tall Enough For Sports

Sports that give importance to height — which is most of them 00 can be tough to join for shorter people. Taller often means bigger, stronger, & faster, which is what most sports need from their players. While short people can be just as strong and fast as their taller counterparts, the fact remains that tall people are preferred in most instances.

7. Slow Career Climbing and Workplace Bias

Research suggests that people who are taller generally earn more than someone with a short height, regardless of gender, age, weight, and skills. Research also suggests that short men tend to struggle much more so with moving up in their career due to the ingrained prejudices of being short.

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