Dating Tips For Short Men

If you are to go on a date and you feel a little insecure about your height, then worry no more because there are some helpful dating tips for short guys on how to look taller. Read the items below and find out how the right kind of wardrobe can help you.

Taller Tricks

Dating tips for short guys teach you how to look taller through several means. First, you need to stand upright at all times so you can reach your maximum height potential. When you are sitting, remember to maintain a proper posture which would make your back straight and your head held up high. Next, remember to keep your hair short because long hair on men hides the shoulders and neck which would only make you appear a lot shorter. Lastly, be physically fit at all times to maximize your stature. Remember, the heavier you look, the shorter you become.

What to Buy To Look Taller

Dating tips for short guys would suggest that you buy the right kinds of clothes from different stores. You can call several shops and ask about the sizes and styles that they carry. If you think that you look shorter on a material, and then do not go out on a date wearing that same clothing. Change colors and styles and find out which type of clothing suits you best. This dating advice for guys would help you decide on an item which would make you look inches taller.

Styling Tricks To Look Taller

Dating tips for short guys advise you to do the following styling tricks: wear vertical stripes so you may help extend your body a little bit, decide on one color (preferably black) as this can help create the illusion that you are taller, choose dark shaded clothes because they tend to make you look thinner and longer, wear light fabrics because the heavy ones make you appear bulkier, heavier, and therefore a lot shorter; and lastly, wear something that has a nice fit because loose clothing can make you look stumpy and baggy. If you follow all these tips, you can be assured of looking inches taller on your date.

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