Ride a bicycle to promote height growth

There is one article that I read the other day about the Dutch people. They ride bicycles to promote their height growth. Since this article can be beneficial to you so here I’m sharing the story with you.

It was believed years ago that the Dutch people were very much taller than the Germans. They maintained the same diet and the same lifestyles but they grew up at different sizes. An investigation found out that the main cause is due to the way they ride bicycles.

When the Dutch ride bicycle, they keep their upper body upright and the legs are fully extended. The Germans tend to bend forward and they look like bicycle racers.

The handles of Dutch bicycles are slightly higher than the Germans. That helps the Dutch to maintain an upright position on the seat all the time compare to the Germans.

Knowingly or unknowingly, the way the Dutch ride bicycles actually help to improve their posture and increase height.

The most effective way for you to ride a bicycle is to adjust the seat to your leg height. When you cycle you will stretch your legs to the fullest. The handlebars should be increased higher to force your back straight and your torso upright.

When you are comfortable with these settings, adjust the seat and handlebars more and more. This will maximize the stretching of your legs and back. Over time, you will definitely see some encouraging results.

There is no hurry in doing this. Just make sure you do this correctly to maximize your result. When you cycle, make sure your foot is flat on the pedal, instead of just your toes.

Also Read:  Top 3 Exercises For Increasing Your Height

My simple advice is that in anything you do be serious. Put your focus and faith that eventually you will see some results. Be patient and persistent all the time.

Clinically Proven To Make You Grow Taller