Top 3 Popular Height Increase Methods

Presently, there are several height increase methods that you can employ to grow taller. The popular ones among these are, Here Top 3 Popular Height Increase Methods:


This is by far the most popular method to grow taller that you can find online, and also the most useless and ineffective.

For starters, most supplements such as Growth-FlexV, Miracle Growth Arginine, etc. are ridiculously expensive, costing anything from $200-300 for a month-long dosage.

Secondly, these supplements are hardly effective at all and are nothing more than overhyped scams. They pander to the ‘get something with no effort’ crowd that dreams of getting taller without so much as lifting a finger.


This is by far the most effective and sure-shot way to grow taller, and also the most expensive. Height increase surgery essentially involves a very painful and lengthy process through which a person’s bones in the legs (the femur – thigh bone – and the tibia – shin bone) are either sawed off and allowed to heal, or stretched by 1mm every day.

Using this method, you can grow anything between 1-6 inches.

However, this height increase method has some serious side effects. For starters, it is extremely expensive, costing anything from $50,000 to $200,000. Secondly, it is a process not approved by the FDA and many other countries’ medical associations.

Thirdly, after height increase surgery, your legs will never be the same again. You will neither have the flexibility, the strength, or the mobility that you had before. In fact, people have been confined to wheelchairs after undergoing height increase surgery because of decreased strength in the legs. In short, leading a normal life will be quite difficult, if not impossible.

Also Read:  Do Not Do For Height Increase

Fourthly, this surgery has been known to cause infections (not to mention extreme pain) that have required amputation. Thus, surgery is recommended only for the extremely short (below 5′0″ for men, 4′6″ for women) or the extremely desperate.


This is the method I used to grow taller. Regular exercise and a proper, healthy diet regimen are one of the best ways to increase your height. Certain exercises stimulate growth by impacting the growth plates in the body. Lack of physical activity, in fact, has been proven to be a major cause for reduced height; proper exercise can help you maximize your growth potential.

Along with exercise, your diet is also very important to grow taller. What you eat will impact how fast and how much you grow. An improper diet has been known to lead to stunted growth in children as well as teenagers and adults through a lack of nutrition for growth.

combination of exercise and diet, thus, is by far the best method to grow taller. Not only is it completely safe and natural, but it also has no side effects, no upfront costs, and most importantly, it actually works.

Clinically Proven To Make You Grow Taller