How to Grow Taller at 13 – 15 Years Old

How to Grow Taller at 13 – 15 Years Old. Thank you for completing our quick questionnaire. The good news is, you have a lot of options on how to get taller fast at your current age of 13 – 15 years old. It is the stage where growth spurts happen. BUT, you have to take action now.

Get Your BMI Normal

The first thing you need to do is to get your weight and height appropriate for your age. That is, you must have the normal weight for your current height. If you are overweight, decide now to be lean. If you are underweight, get some more nutrients into your body and reach your target weight.

The body will have a hard time growing if it needs to use all the vitamins and minerals to repair other parts instead of it just focusing on your height. So make sure, you get straight achieving your body’s desired height and weight.

Be Active In Sport or Exercise Daily

At your current age span, you don’t have a lot of things going on but have a lot of time! Make sure that every moment counts. Involve yourself in sports or any physical activity. Find an activity that you enjoy! This is highly recommended, do all the activities you want and choose. You got to love one. For example, biking, table tennis, badminton, running, swimming, etc! Choose one. Don’t be lazy as this stage is will almost go fast swiftly and you will miss your chance.

If you are not really that sporty kind of person, start with stretching or home exercise routines. You can find a number of good stretching exercises to grow taller on our blog. Remember, be active!

Also Read:  How to Grow 6 Inches Taller In Just 90 DAYS

Get the Right Amount of Sleep

In today’s generation, there are so many things that will distract you from getting a good night’s sleep. Mobile phones, gaming, and social media are your worst enemies here. The key is discipline. Set a strict time when it is time to bed. Remove any distractions. Put away your phone and sleep at the exact same time every day. And most importantly, get at least 8-10 hours of sleep. This is the time that your body heals and does repairs, and thus for your body to grow.


Clinically Proven To Make You Grow Taller