The Human Growth Hormone Explained

There are many ways to preserve your youth and vitality for a longer time. One of the many includes the use of the human growth hormone or HGH. HGH is naturally occurring in the human body and is a hormone that is secreted by the brain’s anterior pituitary gland. This hormone works by increasing protein synthesis in the body. Most significantly, it stimulates cellular growth and production. HGH is also used as a treatment for AIDS or Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. This FDA-approved HGH is genetically engineered and is called Serostim.

Human growth hormones are considered a very important and crucial hormone because it controls as well as maneuvers many bodily functions. This hormone helps the body to maintain its youth and other benefits normally associated with youth. A study from the New England Journal of Medicine conducted by Dr. Daniel Rudman showed that the human growth hormone has the ability to revert most of the effects of aging. The test subjects were overweight men in the age bracket of 61 to 80 years of age.

These test subjects did not change their personal diet nor partake in any exercise. However, the results of these men who took the human growth hormone experienced weight loss, averaging 14% of body fat loss while gaining 8.8% average of lean muscle mass. They also reported firmer skin and increased bone density. These results show that the human growth hormone can reduce the effects of aging by a decade to two decades! Human growth hormone (HGH) is usually prescribed and treated by a doctor in injection forms.

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This hormone promotes growth and cell maturity in children and also plays a pivotal role in cellular metabolism in adults. Throughout our lifetime, the pituitary gland secretes the hormone in decreasing amounts. HGH levels in the body can be measured by IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor) levels. HGH has a very profound and drastic effect on the body’s cells, more than other hormones because this hormone controls and generates cells.

Though HGH may seem like an anti-aging miracle, there are some side effects to consider. While the Homeopathic Growth Hormone and most of the GH Releasers have not given rise to any side effects, some growth hormone Precursors and Releasers should be taken with caution and sparingly. Supplementing GH and replacing GH are two different matters altogether.

The pituitary gland undergoes atrophy due to injections of the human growth hormone. If large amounts of the HGH are injected, the pituitary gland may atrophy and degenerate since it does not need to produce and secrete anymore of the HGH. Also, when unnaturally high levels of IGF-1 (around 500ng/ml or more) are reached and the high level is sustained for over several months, severe side effects will occur. These side effects include acromegaly, carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, a rare form of diabetes Type 2, edema, and even a GH secreting tumor.

By stimulating the pituitary gland or the liver, more human growth hormones can be secreted. The liver will be stimulated to increase growth factors for higher HGH secretion. Growth hormone precursors are amino acid-based and are not suitable for any adult. Before you choose human growth hormones, it is best to get a professional medical consultation since HGH treatment is not suitable for everyone. Pregnant and lactating women, children, teenagers, diabetics, and borderline diabetics, and cancer patients should not take HGH as it can give rise to severe and adverse effects.

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Individuals who suffer from a deficiency of HGH are the most likely to show dramatic results, especially older people since as we age, the amount of HGH in our bodies decreases. When there is a deficiency of HGH, the skin loses its elasticity, and wrinkles form. You also will experience fatigue and energy loss as well as sexual libido. Fat tissues accumulate while muscle mass decreases. Bones lose their strength and their mass. There are many other symptoms of aging that you will come across such as decreased kidney efficiency, memory loss, increased cholesterol levels, and many more.

Those individuals who underwent HGH therapy reported 82% improvement in weight loss, wrinkle reduction by 61%, emotional stability by 67%, higher sexual potency (75%), and 88% muscle strength increment with a complimentary daily exercise program.

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