What Is Human Growth Hormone?

The Human Growth Hormone is a complex hormone that is produced in the anterior pituitary gland in the brain. Human Growth Hormone is responsible for promoting cell and tissue repair in the skeletal structure, muscles and vital internal organs, and also helps promote the immune system in combating infectious diseases. As cells in the body die, the Human Growth hormone works as an initiator to ensure that the dead cells are replaced with new ones. As the body ages, the levels of Human Growth Hormone begin to decline, causing the cells to be replaced at slower and slower intervals. By the mid 40’s almost everyone is deficient in Human Growth Hormone, and by the age of 80, the Human Growth Hormone levels have dropped nearly 95% compared to someone in their mid-twenties. When the body cannot replace damaged or dead cells in essential areas the chances of serious illness and disease are greatly increased.

The First Synthetic Human Growth Hormone

Natural Human Growth Hormone found in the body is a complex hormone comprised of 191 amino acids. The first synthetic Human Growth Hormone (Somatotropin) was produced in 1986 by the Eli Lily Corporation. By 1990 a revolutionary study was published by Dr. James Rudman in the New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Rudman discovered that athletic men injected with Human Growth Hormone had an increased lean muscle mass of nearly 8.8% and a 15% decrease in body fat when compared to men who had not been injected with Human Growth Hormone. The test group that was given the Human Growth Hormone also reported better sleep, less soreness after strenuous workouts, and even an increase in sexual performance. Attempts to recreate the 191 amino acids found in the body’s natural Human Growth Hormone are extremely costly and difficult to produce, thus widespread usage of Somatotropin is currently impossible (costing around $1,000 to $1,500 per day for true Human Growth Hormone Treatment).

Also Read:  Human Growth Hormone Therapy

Considering that true synthetic Human Growth Hormone is too costly for the average consumer, there are Human Growth Hormone products that can help promote natural Human Growth Hormone production in the body. Using amino acids as their relative base for the stimulation of natural Human Growth Hormone production these products can be sub-categorized into two sections: Homeopathic Sprays and Dietary Supplements.

Human Growth Hormone Sprays

Homeopathic Human Growth Hormone sprays use a combination of amino acids and other additives to help promote the body’s natural production of Human Growth Hormone. Homeopathic Sprays tend to be the best method for promoting Human Growth Hormone in the body due to the absorption of the solution through the inner lining of the mouth. Once the Human Growth Hormone is sprayed into the mouth, it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream where it begins to promote the natural production of Human Growth Hormone in the users’ system. If you are looking for the quickest, most effective way to help promote your own levels of Human Growth Hormone we strongly suggest that you try one of the homeopathic sprays available without a prescription. Sprays such as Sytropin have helped thousands of people reach their fitness and health goals, and is used by the young and old alike to help improve health and wellness, increase energy levels, and slow down the aging process.
Human Growth Hormone Supplements

HGH Review- Best Overall Human Growth Hormone Supplement- HGH EnergizeHuman Growth Hormone levels can be naturally enhanced throughout the body in a safe and effective manner with Human Growth Hormone dietary supplements. Using a similar theory as the HGH Sprays, Human Growth Hormone supplements are ingested and then dispersed throughout the bloodstream through the lining of the digestive tract. Dietary supplement-based products can help naturally produce increased amounts of Human Growth Hormone in the body and can give their users increased energy levels, improved skin and bone health, improved athletic performance, and even lower the chances of illness. At HGH Review we found that HGH Energize was the best all-around Human Growth Hormone supplement on the market.

Also Read:  Human Growth Hormones Side Effects (HGH)

The differences between spray and herbal supplement versions of Human Growth Hormone product range online, but the one true fact is that both methods for increasing Human Growth Hormone levels are safe, effective, and can help anyone feel better than they ever have before. If you are looking for a way to improve your overall athletic performance or turn back the hand of time we strongly suggest trying a Human Growth Hormone Product.

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