Your Custom Grow Taller Plan Part 2

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3. Head to Knee – Janu Shirshasana

This exercise stretches and opens your back and hamstrings, thus improving flexibility.

Janu Sirsasana Drawn by Bobby Clennell | Draw, Yoga poses, Moose art

  • Sit on floor with legs extended in front of you.
  • Bend one leg, bringing the heel of the foot as close to the groin as possible.
  • You may want to place a pillow under the bent knee for comfort.
  • Make sure your buttocks are firmly grounded on the floor and that your spine is straight.
  • Turn your body slightly so you face out over the extended leg.
  • Inhale and raise your arms over head.
  • Exhale and begin to move forward slowly. Try to keep the back as straight as possible.
  • Instead of bending at the hips, focus on lifting the tailbone and rolling forward on your buttocks.
  • Inhale and lengthen the spine.
  • Exhale and roll forward, however slightly.
  • To get a bit more forward movement, engage your quadriceps (high muscles) as you move forward. This releases the hamstrings, giving you a bit more flexibility.
    When you’ve moved as far forward as you can, lower the arms and grasp your foot, or leg.
  • Hold the position for a moment and breathe.
  • On the next exhale gently pull yourself forward.
  • Go slowly and remember to keep the back straight.
  • When done, straighten up and do the other side.

4. The Cobra – Bhujangasana

Step 1

  • Lay down on your stomach. Keep your legs together, arms at your side, close to your body, with your hands by your chest.
    Inhaling, slowly raise your head and chest as high as it will go.
  • Keep your buttock muscles tight to protect your lower back.
  • Keep your head up and chest and heart out.
  • Breathe several times and then come down.
  • Repeat as necessary.

Step 2

  • Follow the steps above.
  • When you’ve gone as high as you can, gently raise yourself on your arms, stretching the spine even more.
  • Go as far as you are comfortable.
  • Your pelvis should always remain on the floor.
  • Breathe several times and come down.

5. Mountain – Tadasana

This exercise improves posture, balance, and self-awareness.

  • Stand with feet together, hands at your sides, eyes looking forward.
  • Raise your toes, fan them open, then place them back down on the floor.
  • Feel your heel, toes and ball of your foot all in contact with the floor.
  • Raise your chest up and out.
  • Raise your head up and lengthen the neck by lifting the base of your skull towards the ceiling.
  • Stretch the pinky finger on each hand downward, then balance that movement by stretching your index fingers.
  • Push into the floor with your feet and raise your legs, first the calf and then the thighs.
  • Breathe. Hold the posture, but try not to tense up.
  • As you inhale, imagine the breath coming up through the floor, rising through your legs and torso and up into your head.
  • Reverse the process on the exhale and watch your breath as it passes down from your head, through your chest and stomach, legs and feet.
  • Hold for 5 to 10 breaths, relax and repeat.
  • On your next inhale, raise your arms head (Urdava Hastasana) and hold for several breaths.
  • Lowers your arms on an exhale.

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