7 Sleeping Tips For Human Height Growth

Can sleeping more really help humans to grow taller, as some people claim? Well, there are people who swear by this, as it reduces the pull of gravity on their body, which reduces pressure on their joints and causing them to thicken. There are also other people who claim that once your bone plates are fused, you can’t get any taller. However, trying never hurts, and here are 7 tips for human height growth:

1) Sleep in a conducive environment
A dark room that is quiet and smells good works best here. You need uninterrupted rest.

2) Sleep in a well-ventilated room
Open a window if you have to, but don’t close it just because the weather is cold. That’s what the blanket is for.

3) Sleep on a hard bed
It provides you with more back support, and if your bed is soft simply put a 3/4″ sheet of plywood below it.

4) Sleep without a pillow
A big pillow hinders your breathing and will make your neck ache.

5) Make sure you are clean
Shower, brush your teeth, change your sheets, etc. This will ensure that you feel more comfortable and subsequently sleep better.

6) Drink more water
Drink a big glass of water 1hr+ before going to sleep to clean out your system. Milk is also good to induce sleep. Also do try to avoid a too heavy meal in the morning.

7) “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”
This saying is good indeed. You should allocate a regular routine throughout the day as well as a fixed hour for going to sleep.

Also Read:  Best 3 Yoga Exercises to Grow Tall

Try the above 7 growing taller tips, and let me know what you think. Remember, NOTHING will happen unless YOU FIRST take action!

Clinically Proven To Make You Grow Taller