10 Tips To Help You Grow Taller Naturally

If you want to grow taller, a good night’s sleep is a necessity. One of the most basic requirements for good growth whether it be muscle or height is sleeping. Here is a list of the top 10 ways you can get a good night’s sleep every night.

Grow Taller Tip #1 – Choose a dark and quiet environment, preferably fragranced with fresh smelling air freshener.

Grow Taller Tip #2 – Make sure your room has good ventilation; open the windows to let air circulate, even during the cold months. In the hotter months try to not have the air-con on too cold as it can also cause discomfort in the morning.

Grow Taller Tip #3 – Lie down on a bed with a hard and flat surface. This is good for your spine because it maintains its flexibility. If your bed does not have a hard and flat surface, you don’t have to go out and buy a new one, simply improvise by putting a piece of plywood under the mattress.

Grow Taller Tip #4 – Our culture has this stereotype of “bigger pillow = better sleep” but in reality, it is not so. Sleeping on a pillow makes our spine curve, hence reduces significantly the possibility for it to extend back to a healthy length, if this persists for years, you can become shorter and complain of neck or back pain. It is better to sleep without a pillow, I know it is a habit rather hard to adapt to, but it is so worth it.

Grow Taller Tip #5 – Cleanliness of your bedroom is important, especially bad if your room is dusty, you can inhale dust particles without realizing it can suffer the consequence later. Change your bed sheet often and wear a clean set of pajamas to bed every time.

Also Read:  How to Grow Taller at 13 - 15 Years Old

Grow Taller Tip #6 – Straighten up your body when you sleep, do not sleep in a curve posture, again this concerns your spine.

Grow Taller Tip #7 – There is a rule of thumb given by a health expert that says a human needs at least 8 hours of sleep. This is however not a universal rule, it may be optimal for some people to sleep less while others need to sleep more. Take growing teenagers, for example, the optimal night sleep duration for them is 10 hours. I cannot tell you how much you need to sleep, but I can tell you that you need to develop a regular sleep routine habit, go to bed at a certain time and wake up at the certain time, day in day out.

Grow Taller Tip #8– It is not healthy to eat heavily before you go to bed, instead of taking a big glass of water before you sleep and right after you get off from your bed is recommended, the reason being, it allows your body to detoxify itself. If you are looking for something that makes you fall asleep faster, try a glass of warm milk before you go to bed, amino acids contained in milk, especially tryptophan are natural sedatives. Avoid caffeine at all costs.

Grow Taller Tip #9 – Try this relaxation technique before you go to bed:

  • Relax and let loose every part of your body, tell your mind to let your body calm down.
  • Take a deep breath slowly through your nose.
  • Hold your breath, and stretch out fully.
  • Let the air off your lung by breathing out slowly through your mouth, with the push using your abdominal muscles.
Also Read:  How To Grow Taller Naturally

Grow Taller Tip #10 – My last advice, sleep early wake up early and you will be in a pink of health! And health indeed is the best commodity to generate wisdom and wealth

Clinically Proven To Make You Grow Taller